Fr. Bandod Herman
SVD Coordinator

Fr. John Paul SVD
Director of Satprakashan Sanchar Kendra, Indore

24 Hours Streaming of Programs

Website related work


Fr. Dominic Emmanuel SVD became the first Coordinator of the RVA Hindi Service in 1988. The first producers were Mr. Jose Payapillil and Mrs. Sheesha Jose. Ms. Alka Nirmal Prasad, Rebecca Roberts and Victor Vincent joined him later as producers.

Next to lead the Hindi Language Service was Fr. Deepak John Sulya SVD from 1992 to 1999. The new producers who joined him were Mr. Anand Kishore, Ms. Mary David and Ms. Snigdha Kishore.

Replacing Fr. Deepak John Sulya SVD was Fr. Norbert Herman SVD who became the coordinator of the section for four years from 1999 to 2003.

Fr. John Wakhla SVD replaced Fr Norbert Herman SVD as Coordinator of the Hindi Service. He replaced Fr. Norbert Herman SVD in June 2003. During his term, Mr. Bernard Bhuriya, Ms. Cinderella Joseph, Mrs. Vandana Bhuriya and Sr. Manju Lakra SSPS helped in the production of programs all of whom provided their invaluable services to the Hindi broadcast.

Fr. Herman Bandod SVD is present Coordinator of the Hindi service. He replaced Fr John Wakhla SVD in September 2010.  Sr. Ganga Ravat SSPS, Fr John Wakhla SVD and other talent producers helped him in the production of “Satyaswar” programs. At present Fr John Paul SVD, Mr. Nilesh Bakhla, Ms. Nisha Suliya and other producers are helping Fr. Herman Bandod SVD in programs production, website maintenance and linking Hindi programs for 24 hours streaming.