St. Josaphat, bishop & martyr
Psalter: Week 4 / (Red)

Ps 24:1b-2, 3-4ab, 5-6
Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.

1st Reading: Ti 1:1-9

From Paul, servant of God, apostle of Christ Jesus, at the service of God’s chosen people, so that they may believe, and reach the knowledge of truth and godliness.

The eternal life we are waiting for was promised from the very beginning, by God, who never lies, and as the appointed time had come, he made it known, through the message entrusted to me by a command of God, our Savior.

Greetings to you, Titus, my true son in the faith we share. May grace and peace be with you from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. On the elders of the Church

I left you in Crete because I wanted you to put right what was defective, and appoint elders in every town, following my instructions. They must be blameless, married only once, whose children are believers, and not open to the charge of being immoral and rebellious. Since the overseer (or bishop) is the steward of God’s House, he must be beyond reproach: not proud, hot-headed, over-fond of wine, quarrelsome, or greedy for gain.

On the contrary, he must be hospitable, a lover of what is good, wise, upright, devout and self-controlled. He must hold to the message of faith, just as it was taught, so that, in his turn, he may teach sound doctrine, and refute those who oppose it.


Gospel: Lk 17:1-6

 Jesus said to his disciples, “Scandals will necessarily come and cause people to fall; but woe to the one who brings them about. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone around his neck. Truly, this would be better for that person, than to cause one of these little ones to fall.

Listen carefully: if your brother offends you, tell him, and if he is sorry, forgive him. And if he offends you seven times in one day, but seven times he says to you, ‘I’m sorry,’ forgive him.”

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” And the Lord said, “If you have faith, even the size of a mustard seed, you may say to this tree, ‘Be uprooted, and plant yourself in the sea!’ and it will obey you.“



Jesus does not give his disciples an easy answer to their request for faith. He tells them if they had faith “the size of a mustard seed” they could command a mulberry tree to be uprooted and moved to the sea. We distinguish the faith that “moves mountains” from basic trust in God or Christ. Our tendency to distinguish these two types of faith tends to be rooted in the false assumption that the former has to do with manipulating some kind of ­supernatural power and the latter has to do with submitting to an external authority or set of beliefs or standards of conduct. To have faith means having our whole way of perceiving and responding to life transformed by the prodiga­lity of God’s mercy. If having “faith” - even faith the size of a mustard seed - means having one’s thoughts, feelings, and ­actions wholly transformed by God’s Reign in our midst, then it entails being caught by and immersed in God’s mercy and love. Since God’s grace is immeasurable, his gene­rosity and mercy elude any of our attempts to manipulate it - either as a power we can control or as a means for justifying or rewar­ding ourselves. This is why we are “worthless slaves”: those to whom nothing is owed. We serve in the banquet of God’s kingdom simply because of who we are, or more importantly, because of the One who is the source of everything we have and do.

Daily Reflection 2018

Bible Diary ® is a product of Claretian Publications, a division of Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc. (CCFI) which is a pastoral endeavor of the Claretian Missionaries in the Philippines that brings the Word of God to people from all walks of life. CCFI aims to promote integral evangelization and renewed spirituality that is geared towards empowerment and total liberation in response to the needs and challenges of the Church today.

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Biblical Texts are taken from Christian Community Bible, Catholic Pastoral Edition (57th Edition) The New English Translation for the ROMAN MISSAL

With permission from the EPISCOPAL COMMISION ON LITURGY of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines


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Daily Reflection 2018