Psalter: Week 4 / (Green)
Ps 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7
Let the just exult and rejoice in the Lord.
1st Reading: Sir 17:20-24
Their misdeeds cannot be hidden from him, all their sins are before the Lord.
He holds a man’s almsgiving dear as a priceless signet ring; he cherishes a good deed like the apple of his eye.
One day he will rise and reward them; he will place their prize on their heads.
He allows those who repent to return; he comforts those whose hopes are fading.
Gospel: Mk 10:17-27
Just as Jesus was setting out on his journey again, a man ran up, knelt before him and asked, “Good Master, what must I do to have eternal life?“
Jesus answered, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments: Do not kill; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not bear false witness; do not cheat; honor your father and mother.“ The man replied, “I have obeyed all these commandments since my childhood.“
Then Jesus looked steadily at him and loved him; and he said, “For you, one thing is lacking. Go, sell what you have, and give the money to the poor; and you will have riches in heaven. Then, come, and follow me.“ On hearing these words, his face fell and he went away sorrowful, for he was a man of great wealth.
Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!“ The disciples were shocked at these words, but Jesus insisted, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.“
They were more astonished than ever and wondered, “Who, then, can be saved?“ Jesus looked steadily at them and said, “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God; all things are possible with God.“
Are you ready for judgment day?
This week will usher us into the season of Lent. Already this Monday we are given a preparation for that privileged season of grace through our Readings.
Sirach reminds us to be ready for judgment day which is sure to come. We have to examine ourselves before we appear before the judgment seat of God. Humbly we have to admit our sins and be sorry for them and beg for Divine Mercy. Our Gospel on the other hand presents to us the rich young man who asks the fundamental question: “What must I do to have eternal life?“
Jesus gives us the clear answer to the question. The basic minimum for admission to the Kingdom is the observance of the 10 commandments. But we should not be satisfied with just making the mark just as we hardly aim only for the passing grade of 75 %! We should aspire for perfection, namely, FOLLOWING JESUS as His disciples.
Are you ready to face God? What report card are you to present to God? Will you pass the Divine Examination and make the grade with the basic minimum or with flying colors?
Daily Reflection
Daily Gospel ® is a product Claretian Publications, a division of Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc. (CCFI) which is a pastoral endeavor of the Claretian Missionaries in the Philippines that brings the Word of God to people from all walks of life. CCFI aims to promote integral evangelization and renewed spirituality that is geared towards empowerment and total liberation in response to the needs and challenges of the Church today.
CCFI is a member of Claret Publishing Group, a consortium of the publishing houses of the Claretian Missionaries all over the world: Bangalore, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Chennai, Colombo, Dar es Salaam, Lagos, Madrid, Macao, Manila, Owerry, São Paolo, Varsaw , Yaoundé.
Biblical Texts are taken from Christian Community Bible, Catholic Pastoral Edition (57th Edition) The New English Translation for the ROMAN MISSAL
With permission from the EPISCOPAL COMMISION ON LITURGY of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines
Readings and Reflections
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