Psalter: Week 4 / (Green)
Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6a & 8a, 11
How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord, mighty God!
1st Reading: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38
Moses did this; he did exactly as Yahweh had commanded him. The Holy Tent was set up on the first day of the first month in the second year. Moses set up the Holy Tent. He fixed the bases for it, put up its frames, put its crossbars in position, set up its posts. He spread the tent over the Holy Tent and on top of this the covering for the tent, as Yahweh had commanded Moses. He took the Covenant and placed it inside the Ark. He set the poles to the Ark in place and put the mercy seat on it. He brought the Ark into the Holy Tent and put the screening veil in place; thus he screened the Ark of Yahweh, as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
Then the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting and the Glory of Yahweh filled the Holy Tent. Moses could not enter the Tent of Meeting because of the cloud that rested on it and because of the Glory of Yahweh that filled the Holy Tent.
At every stage of their journey, whenever the cloud rose from the Holy Tent the people of Israel would continue their march. If the cloud did not rise, they waited and would not move their camp until it did. For the cloud rested on the Holy Tent by day, and a fire shone within the cloud by night for all the house of Israel to see. And so it was for every stage of their journey.
Gospel: Mt 13:47-53
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a big fishing net, let down into the sea, in which every kind of fish has been caught. When the net is full, it is dragged ashore. Then they sit down and gather the good fish into buckets, but throw the bad away. That is how it will be at the end of time; the angels will go out to separate the wicked from the just, and to throw the wicked into the blazing furnace, where they will weep and gnash their teeth.”
Jesus asked, “Have you understood all these things?” “Yes,” they answered. So he said to them, “Therefore, every teacher of the law, who becomes a disciple of the kingdom of heaven, is like a householder, who can produce from his store things both new and old.”
When Jesus had finished these parables, he left that place.
The kingdom-parable on the dragnet, a big fishing net catching every kind of fish, partly gives us an answer to the question regarding the scandalous presence of evil in the world. As someone once said, such reality begs questions such as: If indeed the Church is the sacrament of salvation, a holy institution, how can evil subsist in it? How can evil continue to exist in the very institution whose mission is to free the world from it?
The answer is implied in the parable itself. Until the Final Judgment the Church of God must carry in her womb the best and the worst of people. God allows saints and sinners into His family. But at the end of time, he will sort them out and reward everyone according to his/her deeds. Between now and the Final Judgement the Church endeavors to constantly purify herself, make every effort to sanctify all her members and invite all peoples to join in with her in joyfully discovering the joy and fulfillment that only the kingdom of God can offer.
Daily Reflection
Daily Gospel ® is a product Claretian Publications, a division of Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc. (CCFI) which is a pastoral endeavor of the Claretian Missionaries in the Philippines that brings the Word of God to people from all walks of life. CCFI aims to promote integral evangelization and renewed spirituality that is geared towards empowerment and total liberation in response to the needs and challenges of the Church today.
CCFI is a member of Claret Publishing Group, a consortium of the publishing houses of the Claretian Missionaries all over the world: Bangalore, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Chennai, Colombo, Dar es Salaam, Lagos, Madrid, Macao, Manila, Owerry, São Paolo, Varsaw , Yaoundé.
Biblical Texts are taken from Christian Community Bible, Catholic Pastoral Edition (57th Edition) The New English Translation for the ROMAN MISSAL
With permission from the EPISCOPAL COMMISION ON LITURGY of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines
Readings and Reflections
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