Gospel: Luke 1:39-56
Mary then set out for a town in the hill country of Judah. She entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leapt in her womb. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and, giving a loud cry, said, “You are most blessed among women; and blessed is the fruit of your womb! How is it, that the mother of my Lord comes to me? The moment your greeting sounded in my ears, the baby within me suddenly leapt for joy. Blessed are you, who believed that the Lord’s word would come true!”And Mary said, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit exults in God, my savior!He has looked upon his servant, in her lowliness, and people, forever, will call me blessed.The Mighty One has done great things for me, Holy is his Name!From age to age, his mercy extends to those who live in his presence.He has acted with power and done wonders, and scattered the proud with their plans.He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and lifted up those who are downtrodden.He has filled the hungry with good things, but has sent the rich away empty.He held out his hand to Israel, his servant, for he remembered his mercy, even as he promised to our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants forever.”Mary remained with Elizabeth about three months, and then returned home.

“You are most blessed among women.”The visitation of Mary to Eli- zabeth carries a lot of materials for reflection. Visitation brings about personal encounter of per- sons, two women, two mothers, young and old, a Galilean and Judean, who both believe God’s intervention in their lives.Visitation brings about joy. It is a joy that comes about in the lovely interaction between the two relatives, the younger one with a purpose to help the older one. The younger one, though a greater mother, because she car- ries in her womb the Son of God, chooses to bend down to serve the lesser mother until her deli- very of the prophet John.The visitation makes Mary compose a song, her Canticle. That song affirms that God has a special heart for the humble, like her, for the poor and the op- pressed, by remembering his mercy. There is no place in God’s heart those who are oppressive, those who cause people to be- come poor and destitute and to suffer from many indignities.The visitation should remind us busy people that we should put into our agenda visiting our children in their rooms, in their schools, and also our sick and dying brothers, sisters and friends.
© Copyright Bible Diary 2019

Gospel: John 16:16-20
A little while, and you will see me no more; and then a little while, and you will see me.”Some of the disciples wondered, “What does he mean by, ‘A little while, and you will not see me; and then a little while, and you will see me’? And why did he say, ‘I go to the Father’?” And they said to one another, “What does he mean by ‘a little while’? We don’t understand.”Jesus knew that they wanted to question him; so he said to them, “You are puzzled because I told you that in a little while you will see me no more, and then a little while later you will see me.Truly, I say to you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy.

“You will weep and mourn while the world rejoices.”The oft repeated expression “a little while,” to be exact seven times, must be significant in the passage.Some disciples cannot figure out what he means, so they ask one another what he really means. They confess their lack of understanding.It tells of the imminence of his going away to heaven and his coming back. We are sure that his departure is a matter of time, but his coming again may take longer, like years, centuries and millennia. His departure will leave them sad. But their sadness will be only for a while. Jesus assures them of his immediate return after his temporary absence.Paul’s new friends, Aquila and Priscilla have a different story. They are forcibly exiled by Emperor Claudius from Rome. They understood one another in terms of their trade as tent makers. His new acquaintances must be very sad, because unlike the gospel story, they have no inkling whether they will be allowed to return to Rome, to make a living there again.What is your stance on migration? Do you hope that after separation from loved ones, you will meet them again someday? Can you bank on this hope to make you happy again?
© Copyright Bible Diary 2019

Gospel: John 16:12-15
I still have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear them now. When he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into the whole truth.For he will not speak of his own authority, but will speak what he hears, and he will tell you about the things which are to come. He will take what is mine and make it known to you; in doing this, he will glorify me. All that the Father has is mine; for this reason, I told you that the Spirit will take what is mine, and make it known to you.

“He will guide you into the whole truth.”Jesus does not reveal every- thing to his disciples in one sit- ting or in three years. He knows the capacity of his disciples. They might experience spiritual indigestion or data overload. He leaves many materials for reflec- tion and spiritual upliftment to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They might be absorbed better if done later with the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit is a good ally of Jesus. He does not act on his own volition. He communicates only what he hears from him. He does not invent anything foreign to Jesus.When the Holy Spirit comes, he will bring everything that Je- sus possesses, his riches, his wis- dom and everything a missionary needs to fulfill his mission until the end of his life.St. Paul as a missionary is seen as escorted by his fellow missio- nary in his missionary journey. They must have been guided by the Holy Spirit. In Athens, the great city of Greece, Paul speaks under the influence of the Holy Spirit to the Athenian citizens, many of whom are looking for human wisdom like their own fa- mous philosophers.Is the Holy Spirit alive in your heart and mind? Where does your wisdom come from?
© Copyright Bible Diary 2019

Gospel: John 16:5-11
But now I am going to the One who sent me, and none of you asks me where I am going; instead you are overcome with grief, because of what I have said.Believe me, it is better for you that I go away, because as long as I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go away, I will send him to you, and when he comes, he will vindicate the truth before a sinful world; and he will vindicate the paths of righteousness and justice.What is the world’s sin, in regard to me? Disbelief. What is the path of righteousness? It is the path I walk, by which I go to the Father; and you shall see me no more. What is the path of justice? It is the path on which the prince of this world will always stand condemned.

“He will vindicate the truth before a sinful world.”Jesus convinces the disciples of the significance of his ascen- sion. He has to go back to the Father. They must readily admit that there is an end to every- thing, even the good one, in- cluding his being with them as the teacher.Jesus presents his logic on what happens if he does not return to heaven. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, may not come to them. He will not leave the Father, unless Jesus goes back to the Father, after his mission is ac- complished. It is the turn of the Holy Spirit to do his job for the disciples as they will be engaged with the world.The work of the Holy Spirit will be tough. He will vindicate the truth (the teachings of Je- sus). He will convict the sinful world which does not accept redemption from Jesus. Jesus identifies the great sin of the world which is their disbelief. There is a grave consequence for not believing in Jesus. There is condemnation.Do you sense the Holy Spirit is mentoring you to believe in Jesus and to choose the path of righteousness? Better stay at the side of Jesus.
© Copyright Bible Diary 2019