Gospel: Matthew 7:6, 12-14
Do not give what is holy to the dogs, or throw your pearls before pigs. They might trample on them, and then turn on you and tear you to pieces.So, do to others whatever you would that others do to you: there, you have the law and the prophets.Enter through the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the road, that leads to destruction, and many go that way. How narrow is the gate that leads to life; and how rough, the road; few there are, who find it.

“Do to others whatever you would that others do to you.”Jesus teaches his listeners to observe the Golden Rule. It is also taught by other great religions and cultures in the world. It should be acceptable to the disciples them­selves. Jesus formulates it in a positive way. Others formulate it in a negative way, “Do not do unto others…” But they mean the same. The formulation of Jesus encourages his disciples to be proactive. They should take initiatives. Now they can only do this if they are aware of their own existential needs. More important is giving due respect to others. Whether one is in need or not, everyone deserves respect. The disciples should respect others as they realize the need to be respected.There is no easy way to practice the Golden Rule. The road to it is narrow and rough. It takes effort and skill to do it. The challenge is the same: to respect the other no matter what. That is also the path to gain respect from others.Do you show respect to others? Do others respect you because of your positive attitude towards them? People will talk positively about you when you do good and are respectful to them.
© Copyright Bible Diary 2019

Gospel: Luke 1:57-66, 80
When the time came for Elizabeth, she gave birth to a son. Her neighbors and relatives heard that the merciful Lord had done a wonderful thing for her, and they rejoiced with her.When, on the eighth day, they came to attend the circumcision of the child, they wanted to name him Zechariah after his father. But his mother said, “Not so; he shall be called John.” They said to her, “But no one in your family has that name!” and they made signs to his father for the name he wanted to give him. Zechariah asked for a writing tablet, and wrote on it, “His name is John;” and they were very surprised. Immediately, Zechariah could speak again, and his first words were in praise of God.A holy fear came on all in the neighborhood, and throughout the hill country of Judea the people talked about these events. All who heard of it, pondered in their minds, and wondered, “What will this child be?” For they understood that the hand of the Lord was with him.

“His name is John.”Luke the evangelist presents his interpretation of the birth of John the Baptist. Through the rejoicing of Elizabeth’s neighbors and relatives, Luke considers the birth as God’s intervention. God has done a big favor to Elizabeth who once was sterile and already too old for childbearing.There is additional excitement at the naming of the child. Nobody in the neighborhood expected the child to be named John, but Zechariah who was muted for his initial disbelief, insisted that John should be his name. As he wrote his name, Zechariah could speak again, to the surprise of those following the events happening to the couple. Luke records the contents of his praises in the“Benedictus.”Now the excitement is not only limited to the neighborhood in Ain Kerem, but to the people living throughout the province of Judea. People collectively reflect on the meaning of John’s birth. Luke makes his last interpretation looking at the birth and the reaction of the people. God’s power is with him.John must be very special in the eyes of God. The next child to be born will be more special. It was previously announced that John will prepare for the coming of the Messiah.
© Copyright Bible Diary 2019

Gospel: Luke 9:11b-17
But the crowd heard of this and caught up with him. So he welcomed them, and began speaking about the kingdom of God, curing those who needed healing.The day was drawing to a close, and the Twelve drew near to tell him, “Send the crowd away, and let them go into the villages and farms around, to find lodging and food, for we are here in a lonely place.” But Jesus replied, “You, yourselves, give them something to eat.” They answered, “We have only five loaves and two fish. Do you want us to go and buy food for all this crowd?” for there were about five thousand men. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Make them sit down in groups of fifty.”So they made all of them sit down. Jesus then took the five loaves and two fi h, and, raising his eyes to heaven, pronounced a blessing over them; he broke them, and gave them to the disciples to distribute to the crowd. They ate and everyone had enough; and when they gathered up what was left, twelve baskets were filed with broken pieces.

Lectio Divina
READ: Jesus multiplies the bread and fish available at hand. The disciples distribute them to the hungry crowd. For days, the people have been following him to hear his words. Now before dis­ missing them, Jesus shows concern to their bodily need. It is a bad religion to take care only of the spirit. Justice must be given to the whole person.
REFLECT: The gospel prefi­gures the Holy Eucharist which Jesus institutes at the Last Supper. Generations of Chris­tians celebrate the Eucharist to perpetuate the memory of Jesus. Jesus asks his ministers to distribute spiritual food to the crowd. How do you treat the body and blood of Christ? Do you receive holy commu­nion?
PRAY: Dear Lord, I fully believe in your real presence in the consecrated bread and wine. I remember what you have instituted at the Last Supper. I thank the priests whom you authorized to consecrate, in your memory. May I always be worthy to receive you. Help me avoid committing grave sins to be worthy of you.
ACT: Always prepare ahead of time to receive the Holy Eucharist. You cannot gain much grace if you do not con­dition yourself to receive it.
© Copyright Bible Diary 2019

Gospel: Matthew 6:24-34
No one can serve two masters; for he will either hate one and love the other; or he will be loyal to the first and look down on the second. You cannot, at the same time, serve God and money.Therefore, I tell you, not to be worried about food and drink for yourself, or about clothes for your body. Is not life more important than food; and is not the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow, they do not harvest, and do not store food in barns; and yet, your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not less worthy than they are?Can any of you add a day to your life by worrying about it? Why are you so worried about your clothes? Look at how the flowers in the fields grow. They do not toil or spin. But I tell you, that not even Solomon, in all his glory, was clothed like one of these. If God so clothes the grass in the field, which blooms today and is to be burned in an oven tomorrow, how much more will he clothe you? What little faith you have!Do not worry, and say: What are we going to eat? What are we going to drink? or: What shall we wear? The pagans busy themselves with such things; but your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. Set your heart, first, on the kingdom and righteousness of God; and all these things will also be given to you. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

“your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.”Why do some people keep so much money, buy many pro­perties, invest a lot and increase their wealth as much as possible? They believe that it is the right thing to do. They want to secure their future and their children’s. Some accumulate riches for the sake of it. Others are just over anxious of their future.From the point of view of Je­sus, we can avoid worrying so much which lead us to inordinate and exaggerated accumulation of wealth, if we develop trust in the Lord. We must believe that God provides for our needs, present and future. He is a responsible God. He takes care of all the ani­mals and plants. How much more when he deals with us humans who can help ourselves?We can reduce our activity on money making when we increase our trust in God. This is shown when we give more time to prayer and caring for other people.There must be a limit to our pursuit of wealth and fortune. It is stressful. We are happier when we give more time to our provi­dent Father and share the things we have.
© Copyright Bible Diary 2019